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Monday, May 21, 2012

Salted Caramel Ice Cream

It's not low-fat, but good ice cream never is.  It's probably the best ice cream I've made yet, but you need to follow the instructions as listed and have some patience.

1 1/4 c sugar
2 1/4 c heavy cream
1 c whole milk
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp sea salt  (coarse)

Non-standard supplies
Ice cream maker
Instant read thermometer
Fine mesh sieve

  1. Heat 1 cup of sugar in a heavy bottom pan over medium heat until a deep amber color
  2. Pour in 1 1/4 c cream;  it will sieze up.  This is ok.  Stir it until the blob of caramel re-melts
  3. Pour into a bowl to cool. After about 10 minutes add the salt and the vanilla
  4. Wait at least an hour before proceeding
  5. Heat the remaining cream, sugar and all milk in a sauce pan. 
  6. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs.
  7. Temper the eggs by adding warm cream mixture to it before adding it all to the pan.
  8. Bring the custard to a simmer of exactly 170 degrees F.  Note: after about 150, you need to stir constantly so you don't cook the eggs much.
  9. Once it hits 170, pull off the heat and pour through a fine sieve into a bowl, because you will have cooked the eggs a little and no one wants eggy ice cream
  10. Stir the caramel mix because coarse salt likely settled and didn't dissolve.  Then add it to the custard.
  11. Cover and chill for 4 or more hours  (up to 12)
  12. Process it in your ice cream maker according to the instructions of that appliance.
  13. Store in an air-tight container in the depths of your freezer.  It should freeze for 12 or more hours to firm up.

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