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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Whipped Cream

I find this to be so much more delicious than anything you can buy at the store. I've never measured, so you'll have to play around. Comment if you find a measurement that works every time. Sorry everyone, but real cooking is usually eyeballed!

Heavy whipping cream
Syrup - simple or flavored

Non-standard supplies
Stand Mixer

  1. Chill metal mixing bowl in freezer. It's critical whipping be done in cold conditions.
  2. Pour some syrup into bowl. Make small batches because the whipping process makes it so voluminous. Try a 1/4 cup?
  3. Add cream. Try 1/2 cup?
  4. Turn mixer only medium and walk away. It should start to combine and form bubbles after a minute or so.
  5. Kick speed up to high and leave it alone. Watch it and when the cream reaches the stiffness you desire, stop. It probably will take only 2-3 minutes. If you leave it beating for far too long, you'll make butter, but it's not as if you only have a 10 second window of opportunity.

Simple syrup is for plain whipped cream. But I have flavored the cream by using a flavored syrup (like you would make or buy. Think "coffee shop flavor shots".) I've also flavored cream with lime zest or basil, too. They're surprisingly tasty and make the cream seem less 'heavy'. Try to pull in a flavor of what it accompanies -- yes, it's good just off the spoon, too. Cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, cocoa, etc.

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